At our online store, we take great pride in the quality of the products we sell, and we want our customers to be completely satisfied with their purchases. If you receive a damaged new product, we offer a refund or exchange.

To be eligible for a refund or exchange, the product must be in new condition and in the original packaging. Please notify us within 48 hours of receiving the damaged product and provide photos of the damage for our records. We will then provide you with a return label and instructions on how to return the product.

Once we receive the returned product and verify that it is in new condition and in the original packaging, we will issue a refund or exchange. Refunds will be issued to the original payment method used for the purchase, and exchanges will be processed and shipped as soon as possible.

Please note that we do not offer refunds or exchanges for products that have been used or damaged after delivery, or for products that have been customized or personalized in any way.

If you have any questions or concerns about our refund policy, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are committed to providing the best possible customer service and will do our best to resolve any issues in a timely and satisfactory manner.